• 0824 305520/44
  • cnos@cerict.it

The center offers analysis services of large volumes of data for synthesis, prediction and, classification tasks. Analysis and design services are based on machine learning and deep learning through the use of expert systems and neural networks for the resolution of complex engineering tasks and process optimization, decision support tools.

In particular, the analysis, design and implementation services include:

  • Analysis, classification, and research services in large volumes of data coming from heterogeneous structured and unstructured data sources;
  • Object detection and classification services, images, and video, pattern recognition and extraction of features and metrics from images, video, and audio;
  • Prediction and classification services of time series also produced in real-time by heterogeneous sensors and data sources

The services are available to propose analysis, design, and implementation of solutions for a wide range of application domains:

  • Health
  • Agriculture
  • Energy, environment
  • Sustainability and green new deal, etc.
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Seleziona le tematiche di tuo interesse.

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Design and development of micro and nano device

Design and development of micro and nano device Home Partnership and Research Projects CNOS offers design and...

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3D Prototyping

3D Prototyping Home Partnership and Research Projects CNOS facilities allow a complete developing process that start from...

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Material analysis and characterization

Material analysis and characterization Home Partnership and Research Projects Scientific research and chemical-physical characterizations on the samples...

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Chemical and biomolecular analysis and characterizations

Chemical and biomolecular analysis and characterizations Home Partnership and Research Projects In our laboratories we perform detailed...