• 0824 305520/44
  • cnos@cerict.it

The Regional Center for Information Communication Technology - CeRICT scrl is the head company of the CNOS project (Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics Center for Human Health)

A research Infrastructure capable of developing Scientific Research of Excellence, aimed in particular at the fight against oncological pathologies, using Optoelectronics and Nano-Photonics as enabling technologies.
CNOS, through the research activities that it is able to support, will make it possible to achieve strategic objectives with a significant social impact, meeting the expectations of a better quality of life of peoples, favouring the attraction of talents and resources, with benefits for the territory and for companies.

The infrastructure is built in collaboration with the following partners:

  • Teoresi S.p.A., an international company operating in Italy, Europe and the United States, which offers consulting services, skills and solutions in the engineering and ICT fields;
  • R Bio Transfer srl, a consulting company specializing in the field of scientific design, technology transfer, standardization, dissemination and enhancement of the knowledge and results of R&I in the field of Life Sciences.

    For the construction and management of CNOS, the partners have set up the “Subject Network” CeRICT Plus Infrastructure.

Governance of the CNOS infrastructure is entrusted to the Management Board, consisting of:

  • Prof. Aniello Cimitile – Presidente
  • Prof. Antonino Mazzeo
  • Prof. Antonello Cutolo – Responsabile dell’Infrastruttura
  • Prof. Andrea Cusano – Direttore Tecnico
  • Dott. Sergio Betti
  • Dott. Giuseppe Castello

An Advisory Board made up of personalities of indisputable competence and authority in the areas of interest of the CNOS Project, carries out scientific dissemination activities within the research topics envisaged by the CNOS Project, in agreement with the Scientific Manager.


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The activities of the CNOS infrastructure are carried out by a large team of multidisciplinary researchers.

Click here to get to know the entire Team.