• 0824 305520/44
  • cnos@cerict.it

"The only sustainable competitive advantage is an organization's ability to learn faster than the competitio" - Peter Senge

CNOS, with 15 years’ experience in sensors, nano photonics and nanotechnologies, includes a high specialized researcher team with multidisciplinary competences in engineering, biology, chemical, physical and medicine for new progress technical. Know-how is shared with training courses and workshop organized with regularity.

The purpose and the contribution of highly specialized training is to provide to private companies and industries, Start-Up and innovative SMEs, technical and research personnel of university, the skills to increase the experience in your field, to generate new analytical capacity, creating and generating new knowledge to better support industrial development.

Courses are structured including an introduction, an overview and deeply training about following topics:

  • 3D Prototyping
  • Material analysis and characterizations
  • Chemical and biomolecular analysis and characterizations
  • Design and development of micro and nano device
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Seleziona le tematiche di tuo interesse.

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Design and development of micro and nano device

Design and development of micro and nano device Home Partnership and Research Projects CNOS offers design and...

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3D Prototyping

3D Prototyping Home Partnership and Research Projects CNOS facilities allow a complete developing process that start from...

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Material analysis and characterization

Material analysis and characterization Home Partnership and Research Projects Scientific research and chemical-physical characterizations on the samples...

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Chemical and biomolecular analysis and characterizations

Chemical and biomolecular analysis and characterizations Home Partnership and Research Projects In our laboratories we perform detailed...