• 0824 305520/44
  • cnos@cerict.it
Nanophotonics at the service of man for the fight against oncological pathologies

Center for Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics for Human Health

National research infrastructure with a high technological and scientific potential able to offer excellent services for the fight against oncological diseases using Nanotechnologies, Optoelectronics and Photonics as enabling technologies.

la ricerca / the research header

CNOS research group infrastructure puts its experience for national and international research projects in the ICT and “human health” fields.

The experience and competences are demonstrated by the various active and completed research projects, as well as by the numerous scientific publications published in international relevant journals in the research fields involved.

la ricerca / the research header

CNOS research group infrastructure puts its experience for national and international research projects in the ICT and “human health” fields.

The experience and competences are demonstrated by the various active and completed research projects, as well as by the numerous scientific publications published in international relevant journals in the research fields involved.


26 January 2021

Nuovi nanosensori in fibra per applicazioni biomediche

L’innovativa tecnologia, descritta sulla rivista Sensors and Actuators B, è stata sviluppata dagli istituti Cnr, Ibbc, Scitec,...

28 September 2020

Nanotecnologie, Nanofotonica e Fibre ottiche: la sfida di Unisannio

Emergenza COVID, lotta al cancro e alle malattie neurodegenerative richiedono tecnologie diagnostiche sempre più avanzate, in grado...

6 August 2019

Il Fondo di venture capital Vertis Venture 3 Technology Transfer sigla un accordo con lo spin-off dell’Universita’ del Sannio Often Medical

Il Fondo di venture capital Vertis Venture 3 Technology Transfer (VV3TT), ha recentemente chiuso il suo quinto...